April 6, 2010

My First Try on HDRI

Lets take a look on the application of HDRI image on my Persona Estate. I am still trying to increase the background resolution. But i think it may work if I tweak it using Photoshop.

Still running in Mental Ray. It is nothing wrong about this Persona Estate except it has no door handle. Hahahaha.



  1. cun bro, macam warna hibiscus tea..hdri tu high definition rendering image ke?

  2. HDRI tu maksudnya High Dynamic Range Image. Persona hanya pakai standard MR Car Paint je. Background tu yg HDRI image, tapi saya masih xpandai nak naikkan resolutionnya.

    Background HDRI atau lebih tepat HDRI Environment ni saya set dengan bentuk cylindrical dan ia akan membuatkan subject kita membias/reflect pada environment yang kita guna tadi.

    Banyak yg saya perlu belajar. Segan nak show sgt artwork yg xseberapa nih.
